Commercial Fire Alarm Manchester

5 Signs That Tells Your Fire Alarm Is Not Working Properly

Having a fire alarm installed in your home is as essential as breathing air, it saves your house from burning down! Some people have after-market fire alarms set in there as a precaution. House fires take lives or hundreds each year and can be prevented if proper measures are taken to see if they are working properly or not.  The UK has almost 35 to 40 thousand house fires each year. These could be prevented if you would have the alarms in weekly check to test if they are working right or not. Living in the city of Manchester you should search commercial fire alarm Manchester for your shops or business to be on the safe side.

House fires or fires of any sort that harm you or another person are not a joke in any way. It could lead to serious injury or even worse, death! A lot of the house fires happen either because they didn’t have fire alarms or even if they did, it was never kept under supervision. You’ll find people taking it so easy that they don’t even bother changing the batteries! This simple precaution can help save dozens of lives if not more!

Test the Alarm

It’s really simple. Fire alarms have a button on them labeled “test’. Just press down and hold on to it so that it buzzes. If it buzzes along with the ones it is paired with then it’s good to go and if any of them don’t work the problem might be that their batteries are dead or the fire alarms are faulty. It would be embarrassing for the companies to find out that their fire alarms malfunctioned.

Change the Batteries

You should change the batteries of your fire alarms at least twice a year! Just to be on the safe side. Although a fire alarm makes a chirping noise that alerts you to change the batteries. It will not stop unless you change the batteries, that Is why people don’t want to risk it, so they change their batteries twice unless you have those rather more expensive 10-year alarms that you would change after 10 years.

Check the instruction from the manufacturer of the alarm for the type of battery and the time to replace it as a precaution that you don’t damage a component of the alarm. Having said that, after you replace the batteries with new ones in all of the alarms, you should give it a test with the button we told you about earlier.

Clean the Sensors

If your alarm beeps for no reason then check and clean its sensors off with a cloth so that there s nothing blocking them. That is probably a reason for it to beep.

A way you can check if the alarm you bought is worth it is that you place a member of your family in the furthest part of your home and check the alarm. If they can hear it then that is great! If not then you might want to change it.

AC Power

Ensure that your AC power is turned on. When it’s on, the red/green light should blink as an indication as it receives electrical power.


The chances are that your alarm is not activated right. In case the tab had been broken even before you activated the alarm, you can always use a toothpick hack to switch it to activate the alarm.

Keep your fire alarms in check at least every week for them to work properly during real emergencies.

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