Fire Alarm Services Near Me

Fires can be devastating – for private and professional properties alike – so protect what matters most with a bespoke fire safety system from iSecurity Solutions. We provide a wide range of commercial fire alarm systems, certified by the relevant authorities and compatible with state-of-the-art fire detection systems.

To learn more about our Fire Alarms request a quote or book a consultation, contact a member of our team today.

Alarm Supplies UK

Prevention is better than the cure, and our range of intruder alarms and home security cameras will dramatically reduce the chances of your home being burgled. An effective alarm system will quickly alert you and the police if your home is broken into, while a visible alarm will provide a visual deterrent to any would-be burglar. If you wanted to know more Please visit the Website.

Wireless Intruder Alarm Kit

By using modern wireless technology, we can provide fully-insured, cloud-based wireless intruder alarms system to protect your home, business and belongings. These systems can remotely connect to cameras around your home and stream footage directly to a remote device such as your smart phone, so you can always keep an eye on what matters most. To learn more about our Wireless Intruder Alarm, request a quote, or book a consultation, contact us today.

Acces Control Door Entry Systems

iSecurity Solutions can help to secure your business, monitor access to the premises and improve physical security measure. Using state-of-the-art access control systems, we will ensure that visitors and employees have access to the correct areas of your premises while you can track their location for accountability and emergency purposes. To learn more about our Access Control Systems, request a quote or book a consultation, contact a member of our team today.

CCTV Installation Technician Near Me

Close circuit television or CCTV camera systems are an extremely effective way to protect your property detect intruders and deter criminals as well as ensure efficiently in the work place.

Our completely customisable wireless CCTV installation systems will oversee your day-to-day activities, provide security and give you peace of mind. Our technicians will help to design a system tailored to your needs, whether you want to monitor the entire perimeter of your property or focus on entry points, etc.

To learn more about our CCTV services & CCTV Installation, request a quote book a consultation, contact a member of our team today.

Which Company have Best Security Solutions?

Founded by a dedicated team of experienced security specialists, iSecurity Solutions was founded in 2006 to bring effective and affordable security to the people. We have gone from strength to strength and continue to provide security for a wide variety of UK customers, both private and professional.

Ever since our founding, we have provided our customers with effective – not expensive – security systems. In other words, we want to drive down costs while raising the bar.

5 Signs That Tells Your Fire Alarm Is Not Working Properly

Having a fire alarm installed in your home is as essential as breathing air, it saves your house from burning down! Some people have after-market fire alarms set in there as a precaution. House fires take lives or hundreds each year and can be prevented if proper measures are taken to see if they are working properly or not.  The UK has almost 35 to 40 thousand house fires each year. These could be prevented if you would have the alarms in weekly check to test if they are working right or not. Living in the city of Manchester you should search commercial fire alarm Manchester for your shops or business to be on the safe side.

House fires or fires of any sort that harm you or another person are not a joke in any way. It could lead to serious injury or even worse, death! A lot of the house fires happen either because they didn’t have fire alarms or even if they did, it was never kept under supervision. You’ll find people taking it so easy that they don’t even bother changing the batteries! This simple precaution can help save dozens of lives if not more!

Test the Alarm

It’s really simple. Fire alarms have a button on them labeled “test’. Just press down and hold on to it so that it buzzes. If it buzzes along with the ones it is paired with then it’s good to go and if any of them don’t work the problem might be that their batteries are dead or the fire alarms are faulty. It would be embarrassing for the companies to find out that their fire alarms malfunctioned.

Change the Batteries

You should change the batteries of your fire alarms at least twice a year! Just to be on the safe side. Although a fire alarm makes a chirping noise that alerts you to change the batteries. It will not stop unless you change the batteries, that Is why people don’t want to risk it, so they change their batteries twice unless you have those rather more expensive 10-year alarms that you would change after 10 years.

Check the instruction from the manufacturer of the alarm for the type of battery and the time to replace it as a precaution that you don’t damage a component of the alarm. Having said that, after you replace the batteries with new ones in all of the alarms, you should give it a test with the button we told you about earlier.

Clean the Sensors

If your alarm beeps for no reason then check and clean its sensors off with a cloth so that there s nothing blocking them. That is probably a reason for it to beep.

A way you can check if the alarm you bought is worth it is that you place a member of your family in the furthest part of your home and check the alarm. If they can hear it then that is great! If not then you might want to change it.

AC Power

Ensure that your AC power is turned on. When it’s on, the red/green light should blink as an indication as it receives electrical power.


The chances are that your alarm is not activated right. In case the tab had been broken even before you activated the alarm, you can always use a toothpick hack to switch it to activate the alarm.

Keep your fire alarms in check at least every week for them to work properly during real emergencies.

What Is The Difference Between Analog And IP CCTV Cameras?

You may have decided to buy a CCTV solution due to rising security and safety concerns. Even if there are no intense security concerns, CCTV is must have security device today, as it is beneficial and significant in holding back the intruders and burglars. If you have decided to buy a CCTV camera, you might be thinking which one is suitable for you- analogue or IP CCTV camera? Finding a CCTV cameras Manchester is easy, but you have to be careful about which one you buy. Read this article till the end, and you will be able to make your firm decision according to your requirements.

What Is An Analogue CCTV Camera? 

An analogue camera is a conventional camera used in a CCTV system. The analogue camera has a CCD(charged-coupled device)sensor which senses the video. The video is converted into digital form for processing and reconverted to analogue before sending it to the recorders for recording. The analogue CCTV sends the video via a wire for recording. It sends the video through a cable to VCR(Videocassette recorder)or DVR(digital video recorder).

Advantages Of An Analogue CCTV Camera: 

Cost: If you are aiming to get a CCTV camera at a low price, you must opt for an analogue camera. These cameras are cheaper than IP cameras.


Secondly, Analogue cameras are very simple to deal with and operate. They are easy to run and set. You can easily install them, and their functioning is also simple. They do not have complex features and technology, which are easy to drive and control.


Today, the analogue cameras are not the same as they used to be a few years ago. High definition analogue has increased the quality and resolution of the cameras, making them advance for its users.

Disadvantages Of An Analogue Camera

Low Resolution: 

The biggest disadvantage of analogue cameras is that it does not offer output quality and resolution as an IP camera. Images with an analogue are not very sharp, and in the absence of light, they become even more unclear and blurry.

Less Coverage: 

A single analogue camera cannot cover a wide area, so you may have to buy more cameras to cover a place, which one IP camera can do alone.

Not Viable: 

In today’s wireless world, analogue cameras still rely on wires. If you have many analogue CCTV cameras, these wires spread all around the house, so they do not make a feasible approach to install them compared to a wireless CCTV system.

What Is An IP CCTV Camera? 

An IP stands for Internet protocol, which signifies that an IP camera is internet-driven, and a smart camera. It is a digital video camera that transfers data through an IP network. They can broadcast video over WAN, LAN, Internet or Intranet. It means that they do not need to be connected to a PC to operate. You can access them through an app on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Advantages of an IP CCTV camera

Quality Output Resolution: 

IP cameras use 2MP or 4MP to offer high video resolution up to 4K. So, it provides clear images and video quality.

More Coverage: 

An IP camera has the maximum limit of covering 300 feet, which means it can cover a wide range which an analogue camera can’t.  

Remote Access: 

The best feature of an IP camera is that it provides remote access. Since it transfers data over an IP, you can access it from anywhere and anytime. You can easily keep an eye on your belongings and family members when you go away. You can also zoom and focus remotely.


The wireless IP camera is viable and easy to install. It needs only one wire for both power and data.  

Disadvantages of an IP CCTV Camera: 


 IP cameras are more costly than analogue cameras. But it can be inexpensive in the long run due it is a robust system and ensures high security.

Learning Curve: 

It may take a longer time to comprehend and make your self adaptable to the user interface. It is not easy for a layman to understand how an IP camera works, and the settings you can make.

Bottom Line

While considering your requirements, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages of both cameras, and decide which one to buy.

Also Read: How Effectively You Can Enhance Your Security Systems?

How Effectively You Can Enhance Your Security Systems?

Your security camera lies at the core of your security system. The efficiency of your security system depends on how well your camera can monitor and record the events. If you have a system that only has alarms and no camera, it is time to upgrade it.

But what steps can you take to make your security system even better? Well, there are a lot of things you can do to ensure that your security system is working at its full potential. Security companies Manchester can help you with the installation of such smart security systems.

Continuous Monitoring

It is always better to have a camera that fully integrates with your 24-hour monitoring system. This ensures that your premises is guarded all the time and use data is always recorded for future use. Having a continuous monitoring service also means that you or someone else has enough time to respond to the security alarm when needed.

Cover Your Windows as Well

Your camera should cover not only your doors but also your windows. If someone tries to break into your house, a camera in the front is likely to act as a major deterrent which means that the person will opt for windows to get inside. Having a camera to guard your windows prevents thieves from entering your house through the windows.

Proper Alignment Is Necessary

Make sure that your cameras are properly placed and aligned correctly. Place them in places where nothing can interfere with the cameras’ field of view. Place it at least about 6 feet (1.83 metres) high and do not position them directly on the door. Make sure that the angles are right so that it can cover the required area as intended.

Hidden Cameras

Sometimes regular cameras are just not enough. In some situations, a hidden doorbell camera may be a lifesaver. Doorbell cameras provide you with a clearer picture of who is outside long before you go to open the door and prevent any unwanted guests.

Use Smart Apps

Modern security cameras come with very useful remote apps that allow you to monitor your property regardless of wherever you are. They integrate with your smartphones and use features like Google Assistant.

Get HD Cameras

To monitor your property better, we always recommend investing in high definition cameras that stream high-quality video and save it directly to the cloud. Cameras that have long-range night vision is a plus. HD cameras allow you to see every detail of any event that has occurred on your premises.

Regular Inspection

In the end, it is a great idea to have your device regularly inspected for quality. You may use professional services to help you with your installation and upgrade of your existing installation.

These are some ways to make your security system work more efficiently. Here is another tip for you: Get a NAS storage device to regularly store your monitoring videos if you own a business. They are highly reliable and store your data safely for a very long time.

Must Read: Why Is It Necessary to Get a Security System Installed?

Why Access Control Systems are Most Popular in Offices?

As we live in the information age, we are always concerned about our digital security, often neglecting our employees. Employees are the backbone of any office space, so their safety and protection should be our top priority. Most companies fail to observe physical security to cut back prices but understand its importance solely once a thieving or tragedy occurs. To avoid this problem, you can use Access Control Systems to restrict access or grant restricted permission to co-workers, visitants, etc. Different parts of the world are adopting this system. One example is Access Control Manchester, which is becoming popular nowadays.

To further enlighten you, we have compiled four top reasons for Access Control System popularity in offices.

Better Tracking

No matter how efficient your security guards are, they cannot always be aware of their surroundings, so by using this system, you can keep an eye on every access created through a door and track anyone who entered or left the building. This also permits you to turn back all the activities that turn up in your facility and monitor time and group action throughout the organization.


When employees work at different times altogether, the Access management System lets them enter whenever they must. They will always come back not anticipating someone to unlock the doors, and managers don’t ought to wait to lock up at the highest of the day. You’ll have the chance to produce versatile schedules for your employees. You will be able to also check comings and goings whereas not being there yourself.


This is an era of technology. It enables us to save our time and energy. Isn’t it amusing to know how you are capable of controlling your whole company from the comfort of your home? Access Control System can give you the choice of locking up your organization with merely a simple switch. By choosing access management systems, you’ll additionally take away any credentials from the system. This may be obtainable for access just for some of the workers’ members and other required staff.

Hand using security key card unlocking the door to entering private building . Home and building security system

Don’t Waste Time Finding Keys

In all honesty, we always tend to lose our keys for one or another reason. Larger companies often find it challenging to track their keys, and the use of ancient keys encompasses a few drawbacks. The larger the building, the more locks it must have. This may mean a large hoop and confusion regarding the keys for a private sort of a keeper or a high-clearance individual. Access Control system ends the whole existence of keys.

The Bottom Line

By knowing all its benefits, it becomes quite evident that why it is the next big thing! In short, Access Control System can take your security to the next level, allowing you to take control of your workspace in your hands and to simplify your life.

Must Read: New Technology in Access Control Solutions