What Is The Difference Between Analog And IP CCTV Cameras?

You may have decided to buy a CCTV solution due to rising security and safety concerns. Even if there are no intense security concerns, CCTV is must have security device today, as it is beneficial and significant in holding back the intruders and burglars. If you have decided to buy a CCTV camera, you might be thinking which one is suitable for you- analogue or IP CCTV camera? Finding a CCTV cameras Manchester is easy, but you have to be careful about which one you buy. Read this article till the end, and you will be able to make your firm decision according to your requirements.

What Is An Analogue CCTV Camera? 

An analogue camera is a conventional camera used in a CCTV system. The analogue camera has a CCD(charged-coupled device)sensor which senses the video. The video is converted into digital form for processing and reconverted to analogue before sending it to the recorders for recording. The analogue CCTV sends the video via a wire for recording. It sends the video through a cable to VCR(Videocassette recorder)or DVR(digital video recorder).

Advantages Of An Analogue CCTV Camera: 

Cost: If you are aiming to get a CCTV camera at a low price, you must opt for an analogue camera. These cameras are cheaper than IP cameras.


Secondly, Analogue cameras are very simple to deal with and operate. They are easy to run and set. You can easily install them, and their functioning is also simple. They do not have complex features and technology, which are easy to drive and control.


Today, the analogue cameras are not the same as they used to be a few years ago. High definition analogue has increased the quality and resolution of the cameras, making them advance for its users.

Disadvantages Of An Analogue Camera

Low Resolution: 

The biggest disadvantage of analogue cameras is that it does not offer output quality and resolution as an IP camera. Images with an analogue are not very sharp, and in the absence of light, they become even more unclear and blurry.

Less Coverage: 

A single analogue camera cannot cover a wide area, so you may have to buy more cameras to cover a place, which one IP camera can do alone.

Not Viable: 

In today’s wireless world, analogue cameras still rely on wires. If you have many analogue CCTV cameras, these wires spread all around the house, so they do not make a feasible approach to install them compared to a wireless CCTV system.

What Is An IP CCTV Camera? 

An IP stands for Internet protocol, which signifies that an IP camera is internet-driven, and a smart camera. It is a digital video camera that transfers data through an IP network. They can broadcast video over WAN, LAN, Internet or Intranet. It means that they do not need to be connected to a PC to operate. You can access them through an app on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

Advantages of an IP CCTV camera

Quality Output Resolution: 

IP cameras use 2MP or 4MP to offer high video resolution up to 4K. So, it provides clear images and video quality.

More Coverage: 

An IP camera has the maximum limit of covering 300 feet, which means it can cover a wide range which an analogue camera can’t.  

Remote Access: 

The best feature of an IP camera is that it provides remote access. Since it transfers data over an IP, you can access it from anywhere and anytime. You can easily keep an eye on your belongings and family members when you go away. You can also zoom and focus remotely.


The wireless IP camera is viable and easy to install. It needs only one wire for both power and data.  

Disadvantages of an IP CCTV Camera: 


 IP cameras are more costly than analogue cameras. But it can be inexpensive in the long run due it is a robust system and ensures high security.

Learning Curve: 

It may take a longer time to comprehend and make your self adaptable to the user interface. It is not easy for a layman to understand how an IP camera works, and the settings you can make.

Bottom Line

While considering your requirements, you can compare the advantages and disadvantages of both cameras, and decide which one to buy.

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